Cool, is what makes something interesting. First, cool is a way of complimenting someone. This means that, their clothing style is very stylish and their appearance matches them from shirt to shoes. compared to other. Personality also plays an important role, such as being someone that people like, is very understanding, and is always there to support during rough times. Secondly, cool also means that a location has very comfortable accessories, such as exquisite food. This information is often what attracts tourist before visiting locations. lastly, cool gives significant value to some objects. The Air Jordan's, are described as cool because of the legendary status that Michael Jordan has had over his long career of playing basketball. All in all, cool describes the world.
Blog of Sab
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
How cool are you...?
Cool, is what makes something interesting. First, cool is a way of complimenting someone. This means that, their clothing style is very stylish and their appearance matches them from shirt to shoes. compared to other. Personality also plays an important role, such as being someone that people like, is very understanding, and is always there to support during rough times. Secondly, cool also means that a location has very comfortable accessories, such as exquisite food. This information is often what attracts tourist before visiting locations. lastly, cool gives significant value to some objects. The Air Jordan's, are described as cool because of the legendary status that Michael Jordan has had over his long career of playing basketball. All in all, cool describes the world.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
It's too much...!
This year, all the resolutions i made are currently not being kept to 100%. I did not know how difficult it will be to focus in class this semester, especially in my least favorite and most boring class. The only one I am managing to keep up with is coming to class on time and doing all my assignments. Am having a difficult time keeping up with them because, my work hours are a lot and once i get home, am too tired to even open my books. So far, i am trying to reduced my work hours to focus a little bit more on my classes, so that i can at least finish the semester with all passing grades so as to keep moving forward.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Writing is talking
Writing, is a form of communicating without directly talking. What I enjoy most about writing is it projects my thoughts onto paper without fear of people seeing it unlike social media and also a good way to improve writing skills such as editing and revising my class essays. Also, I enjoy free writing because it does not focus so much on grammatical mistakes, and my essay's foundation. It is just a bunch of ideas that are put on paper as soon as they come to mind. Writing can be very difficult when you do not understand or cannot fin the inspiration. Also, the research part is very boring, and stressful. Overall, writing is a good way to make your thinking visible, and give others feedback about you.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Turn it in on time, or FAIL trying

Meeting deadlines is a real issue for me when it comes to school work. Once i get home from work at night, i go straight to bed without doing any homework. I usually do all my homework assignments very early in the morning (5 AM)just before my classes start and i always barely make it in on time. However, this semester, i am currently working on how to manage my time a little better so that i have more time to study, do assignments, and turn them in on time. It is very important to turn in homework assignment on time because you get credit, you show your professor that your are responsible, and get the opportunity to learn what you did wrong and further better your self. So far this semester i have met just about every deadline there is to meet in my classes so i believe that my plan is working just fine.(for now). Deadlines are just about everywhere and in everything we do. if you fail to meet deadlines at work, it could mean the end of your paycheck.
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